Sunday 17 February 2013

Today : start of going back to gym after illness. HIT, so whole workout will be only 20 mins or so.

Food: will moderate carbs today.

Visualization : power of seeing oneself down the line, imagery of how one will look, feel like.

Carbs : think too many carbs is a problem for many. I did full on Atkins years ago. Was very effective. Now as the years creep on, my body, and brain, do not respond to that low level of 50g per day. Think limiting to 100g per day is good target.

Gym : went well today. First day back in 8 weeks. Will aim for Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday ( before work ). 3 times per week. HIT went well.   

I will aim for 8x 20s bursts of activity. 

Consuming olive oil regularly as part of a diet that’s low in saturated fats and trans fatty acids can help you lose weight. Olive oil helps to control blood sugar levels by lowering insulin resistance, so it’s helpful for those seeking to control or prevent type 2 diabetes. The polyphenols in olive oil help your body secrete adiponectin, a hormone that regulates the metabolism of sugar and fat and improves insulin sensitivity (your body’s ability to use insulin properly to prevent dangerous spikes in blood sugar levels). Inadequate secretion of adiponection can lead to the accumulation of excess fat on the abdomen, which can be a contributing factor in type 2 diabetes.
Olive oil helps your body metabolize fat and sugar effectively so that fat doesn’t accumulate on the abdomen. If you already have belly fat, and are trying to lose weight, adding olive oil to your diet changes your body’s metabolism so that you’ll begin to burn off accumulated belly fat more quickly.

Great link to lots of weight loss tips TIPS

I have starved myself, used lots of emotion, lots of fad diets. This time, is a steady progress of changes, nutrition and exercise.

but, you do need inspiration, as well as perspiration. Here is inspiration to us all, at 62, Mr Stallone

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