Sunday 24 March 2013

been tricky week with work, stress.

Will go back to gym tomorrow.

Am focusing on CLA, cranberry, olive oil, B12 at mo.

CLA , contrary to some reports, this a good fat metaboliser.


cranberry for liver health

olive oil for liver and appetite control

B12 for anxiety and energy

Sunday 17 March 2013

focus this week will be on liver flush, health.

Lot of obesity problems are related to poor functioning liver.

Friday 15 March 2013

been good week for training.

Hope to average 4 to 5 times week now.

HIT training going well.

Will go back to taking coconut oil.

coconut oil

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Inflammation , the key to obesity ?

Is eating to reduce inflammation, the key to influence weight loss


Monday 11 March 2013

next few posts will focus on motivation,

more to follow...

Saturday 9 March 2013

I have another bug.


think caught it from work, so all weight loss efforts are on hold.

Focus is on shifting bug.

I also want to pass on thoughts about catching it in first place.

1. wash hands
2. dont directly touch door handles at work, use tissue
3. use hand wash, have a tub on your desk


Wednesday 6 March 2013

today's post is about negative thoughts, emotions,

always base your thinking patterns on fact.

otherwise, your mind will have you racing with all kinds of useless rubbish, that severs only to stress you out, and stress = comfort eating ( for most )


Tuesday 5 March 2013

today have been real tired. When this happens is best to remember life is mentally draining. Dig deep. Never allow your emotions to sink.

Even if you have to fake it, stay positive.

Re-group, re-focus.

Tomorrow another day to win battle.

I will speak more about emotions, and how they can drag us down at times, and what we can do.

Monday 4 March 2013

todays post is about tips.

1. have some chocolate when tired and feeling like tucking into huge portion of crisps, fries etc. Yep, you heard me, is better to have some really satisfying few squares of chocolate, than give in to 400 cals of fries, or pizza.

not sure about choc benefits, click here

2. keep metabolism stoked. Take A.Mango, Zinc, Selenium, capsicum, olive oil, green tea.

3. If your joint pain is getting in way of training take glucosamine with cod liver oil. Both work much better together

4. stay motivated. Read articles, join forums, never give up. ( I have been struggling for 2 years with weight gain, but, being aware of problem is 50% of solution

5. Use HIT training, 8x 20s of high intensity exercise, mix up press ups with star jumps, sit ups, or do circuit on machine weights. (dont have to go hours and hours in gym to get benefits )

6. SWAT, study. I research forums, net all the time, seeking new ideas, latest research.

thats it for now, top 6 tips.

loads more to come,

be happy, stay healthy

Sunday 3 March 2013

I would have to modify my previous statement, in that , I do have a nut allergy, I break out in terrible headaches

so list should be

African Mango, olive oil, greet tea, capsicum

Saturday 2 March 2013

Been away for few days.

Todays post is about insulin resistance again.

I believe that people have become insulin resistant. Too many sugars, carbs.

I am currently trying cinnamon/chromium and magnesium daily to enhance my insulin efficacy.

Great Combo

think above link puts together great list of supplements to get your metabolism nudged back online.

Irvingia gabonensis is African Mango

rest is pretty self explanatory .

So I may add African Mango, pine nut oil, green tea extract, cayenne ( capsicum )

training needs to go up a gear, remember 4 mins of HIT is key, 8x 20s ( with 10s rest inbetween)